2. Mixed Meds – Hero Range Unboxed

Waka Kotahi NZTA : Mixed Driving

Written by

Clemenger BBDO, Wellington

Directed by

The Glue Society

Produced by


Three-quarters of New Zealand drivers who die in drug-related crashes don’t have just one substance in their system. They have a combination. Often prescription medication is one of them.

We were tasked with bringing these Mixed Medications to life with a range of mixed substances representative of the mixes that have caused fatalities on Aotearoa roads.

By bringing together familiar yet sinister combinations it creates a sense of unease. Each product has its own design concept – from a ‘car crash’ of fused pills to a pill container-inspired bong – which helps to provoke a conversation around what it means to drive on Mixed Meds.

1. Mixed Meds – Hero Unboxing
4. Mixed Driving – Hero Cabinet Open
0. Mixed Meds – Details
6. Mixed Meds – Instagram Walk through
2. Mixed Meds – Hero Range Unboxed
3. Mixed Meds – Hero Range Boxed

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